孟宝 博士,北京航空航天大学教授,博士生导师,同算科技技术顾问。
[1] 脉冲电流辅助高温合金毛细管微塑性成形技术
[2] 高温合金超薄板循环塑性变形的微尺度效应及其本构建模
[3] 几何和晶粒尺度效应对金属薄板屈服强化特性及屈服准则影响规律的研究
[4] 生物可降解锌合金小直径血管支架超塑微成形技术基础研究
[5] 密集阵列式薄壁微结构连接工艺研究
[1] Pulsed current assisted forming of ultrathin superalloy sheet: Experimentation and modelling
[2] Characterization of the microscale forming limit for metal foils considering free surface roughening and failure mechanism transformation
[3] Constitutive behavior and microstructural evolution in ultrasonic vibration assisted deformation of ultrathin superalloy sheet
[4] Size effect on plastic anisotropy in microscale deformation of metal foil
[5] Constitutive behavior and microstructural evolution in hot deformed 2297 Al-Li alloy
[6] Size effect on the yield behavior of metal foil under multiaxial stress states: Experimental investigation and modelling
[7] Feasibility evaluation of failure models for predicting forming limit of metal foils
[8] Effect of plastic anisotropy on microscale ductile fracture and microformability of stainless steel foil
[9] Modeling and simulation of machining distortion of pre-bent aluminum alloy plate
[10] Deformation characteristic and geometrical size effect in continuous manufacturing of cylindrical and variable-thickness flanged microparts
[11] A modified Lou-Huh model for characterization of ductile fracture of DP590 steel
[12] Effect of yield criteria on the formability prediction of dual-phase steel sheets
[13] Fracture behavior of Inconel 718 sheet in thermal-aided deformation considering grain size effect and strain rate influence
[14] Rheological law and constitutive model for superplastic deformation of Ti-6Al-4V
[15] Multivariable analysis of micro shearing process customized for progressive forming of micro-parts
[16] Effect of pre-forming and pressure path on cumulative deformation in multi-pass hydrodynamic deep drawing process
[17] Size effect on deformation behavior and ductile fracture in microforming of pure copper sheets considering free surface roughening
[18] Deformation behavior and microstructure evolution in thermal-aided mesoforming of titanium dental abutment
[19] Ductile fracture and deformation behaviors in progressive microforming
[20] Influence of cavity pressure on hydrodynamic deep drawing of aluminum alloy rectangular box with wide flange
[21] Development of sheet metal active-pressurized hydrodynamic deep drawing system and its application
[22] Constitutive modeling for high-temperature tensile deformation behavior of pure molybdenum considering strain effects
[23] Inner wrinkling control in hydrodynamic deep drawing of an irregular surface part using drawbeads
[24] Drawability and frictional behavior of pure molybdenum sheet in deep-drawing process at elevated temperature
[25] Development of thermal deep drawing system with vacuum environment for difficult-to-deformation materials
[26] Kinetic locus design for longitudinal stretch forming of aircraft skin components
[27] Grain size effect on multi-stage micro deep drawing of micro cup with domed bottom
[28] Process window calculation and pressure locus optimization in hydroforming of conical box with double concave cavity
[29] A Review of Progressive and Compound Forming of Bulk Microparts by Using Sheet Metals
[30] High-temperature deep drawability of pure molybdenum sheet in vacuum environment
[31] Size effect on the forming limit of sheet metal in micro-scaled plastic deformation considering free surface roughening
[32] 金属板材屈服行为与塑性失稳力学模型在微尺度下的应用
[33] 复杂型面零件充液拉深失效控制研究
[34] 板材充液拉深动态加载系统开发与应用
[35] 基于多轴同步控制的微尺度双向加载实验系统
[36] 飞机铝合金深锥型面零件多道次充液拉深技术